Peripheral Vascular

Upper extremities (Arms)

What can I expect?

During an upper extremity vascular ultrasound, you will be required to remove your shirt. A disposable sheet will be provided to cover up with. You will be laying on your back for the ultrasound with your arm in different positions. If any of the arm positions cause too much discomfort or pain, notify the sonographer and adjustments will be made.

This ultrasound will last approximately 20-30 minutes for one arm, and 30-45 minutes for both arms.


There is no preparation required for an arm ultrasound.

Wear comfy clothes to your appointment.

Please arrive 10 minutes early with your Alberta Healthcare card (or other provincial healthcare card) and your requisition if you were given a copy.

Lower extremities (Legs)

What can I expect?

During a lower extremity vascular ultrasound, you will be required to remove your pants. A disposable sheet will be provided to cover up with. You will be laying on your back for the ultrasound with your leg bent out to the side slightly. If this position causes too much discomfort or pain, notify the sonographer and adjustments will be made.

This ultrasound will last approximately 20-30 minutes for one leg, and 30-45 minutes for both legs.


There is no preparation required for a leg ultrasound.

Wear comfy clothes to your appointment.

Please arrive 10 minutes early with your Alberta Healthcare card (or other provincial healthcare card) and your requisition if you were given a copy.